
Create Timesheet Stop Button Helpdesk Extension

Project / Task / Employee / Date Select on Create Timesheet Stop Button Wizard

Create Timesheet on STOP Timer Extension

Only for Odoo Enterprise Edition

This app allows your helpdesk team to select project, task, employee and date before creating a timesheet from the STOP button of the Odoo standard timer. Please note that START / STOP button timer is from Odoo standard helpdesk enterprise.

Main Features:

  • As you know Odoo standard enterprise module allow helpdesk users to directly create timesheet when the press STOP button of timer but they do not give opportunity to change / select Project, Task, Employee and Date because they pass those four things (Project, Task, Employee, Date) using code logic. While our app gives the opportunity to your helpdesk team to change those four things before creating a timesheet.
  • Note that our app first sets all four values on wizard default which Odoo is going to pass to timesheet but if helpdesk users change any of them then our system will consider that value / change and pass to timesheet.
  • Example: Project ABC is set on ticket form and you press STOP button of timer then our system will bring Project ABC onto wizard as default but now if user wants to change that project to Project XYZ because they want that project to appear on timesheet then user can change that project on wizard. (same example you can think of for Task, Employee, Date).
  • Please note that START / PAUSE / STOP timer buttons and its process of creating timesheets are from Odoo standard feature, our app only adds four fields on Odoo standard create timesheet wizard.
  • Also note that if you select another employee then our system also updates its related user on the timesheet as well.

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