
Generate QR Code on HR Applications for Jobs

QR Code Generated from Applicant Form Odoo App

QR Code for HR Job Applicant Form

This app generates a QR code from the job application form as shown in the below screenshots and which will be later scanned into your mobile using the scan QR code feature of your mobile under contact.

Main Features:

  • Allow recruitment officer to generate a QR code using the button given on the hr job applicant form of odoo standards and the system also generates it when you create a new recruitment application in odoo as well as when you update the fields listed below then the system also regenerate QR code.
  • QR code under the QR code tab on applicant form as shown.
  • Generated QR codes can be then scanned by the recruitment officer to add the contact on the mobile phone.
  • List of fields that are used to generate QR codes as below:
  • Name
  • Mobile
  • Phone
  • Email
  • Application Summary

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